Welcome to FSO Online
What is FSO Online?
FSO Online is the communications portal between Federal Safety Officers and the Office of the Federal Safety Commission to effectively manage and capture the audit process under the Work Health and Safety Accreditation Scheme.
If you don't have a Digital ID you can easily set one up.
You will need to:
- Step 1: Ensure your Service Provider has your myID email address registered with their RAM account.
- Step 2: Create your Digital ID. To access FSO Online, you will need to achieve at least a ‘Standard’ identity strength. For help visit myId.
- Step 3: Link your Digital ID to your Service Provider's Australian Business Number (ABN) using RAM. For help visit RAM
To access FSO Online, you will need ‘Custom’ or ‘Full’ agency access to the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.
When registering you must agree to our privacy and conditions.
Registered user login
If you are accessing FSO Online for the first time, continue with the Redeem Invitation button below.
You will have received a unique code via email which you can redeem. If your unique code has expired, please contact FSOOnlineHelpdesk@dewr.gov.au to request a new code.
If you have previously successfully accessed FSO Online, continue with the sign in button.
Get Help
Read our step-by-step guide for help accessing our online services with myID and RAM.